Tuesday 10 September 2024


The Feldy View tree pipit was seen again in Feldy View Cemetery on Tuesday 10th. It has been present here for three days which has been a real treat - this picture taken on Monday after it flew off the ground to perch in a low branch for a couple of minutes. This is the seventeenth record of a tree pipit on the island and none of them previously have stayed more than a morning. A tree pipit was also seen in Feldy View on the 25th August by Steve Entwistle and Martin Cock.

On Tuesday the tree pipit was seen again flying off the ground where it had been feeding in the grass, it perched for a couple of minutes and then dropped back down where it seemed quite confiding walking among the long grass and small memorial crosses at the back of the cemetery. 

Also in the cemetery on Tuesday were the two spotted flycatchers also present for their third day - one has been present for four days. A chiffchaff, five yellow wagtails, great spotted woodpecker and a flyover buzzard were also noted there, while forty goldfinches were feeding beside the Firs Chase caravan park.

Earlier on Tuesday a pair of ravens was seen swooping low and calling loudly as they flew south-west over the Firs Chase gardens, passing just under tree-height and providing close views. They had come from the direction of the caravan site and maybe Feldy View. A sparrowhawk also passed over Firs Chase.

A kingfisher was photographed by Michael Thorley on Tuesday by the East Mersea Golfhouse borrowdyke. Also seen in the area were a dabchick with two young, tufted duck, two pochard and mallard, while at the Point were three wheatears, eight linnets and two Sandwich terns.

Jon Ward also visited East Mersea Stone Point on Tuesday morning and noted five wheatears, two Mediterranean gulls, two Sandwich terns and 25- 30 linnets.

On Monday 9th the tree pipit was unexpectedly still present for its second day in Feldy View, seen flying off the ground and then perching in a tree. After flying off to the nearby hedge, it was seen back ten minutes later on a grassy path feeding, pictured here.

Also in Feldy View were the two spotted flycatchers for at least their second day, one was seen on Saturday too. The flycatchers were busy feeding in and around the trees that were sheltered from the fresh north-westerly wind. A flock of fifty sand martins passed quickly east over Feldy View.

Along the Strood channel on Monday was a common sandpiper, greenshank, 30 golden plover, 90 black-tailed godwits, Sandwich tern, ten Mediterranean gulls, also wheatear, two yellow wagtails and thirty linnets.

Martin Cock did a short walk at Maydays on Monday and saw two whinchats, two stonechats, greenshank and a sparrowhawk.

Michael Thorley photographed a chiffchaff on Monday in his East Mersea garden near Meeting Lane.

The chiffchaff was visiting the pond in Michael's garden.

Another picture of a chiffchaff by Michael in his East Mersea garden on Monday.

On Sunday 8th, this tree pipit was found and photographed by Andy Field in the Feldy View Cemetery.
The bird was first seen flying off the path to land in a low branch where it stayed long enough for Andy to take this picture of it. It was seen by several other local birders during the morning, although I don't believe it was seen in the afternoon, although it reappeared the following morning.

Two spotted flycatchers were busy feeding in the birches and oak trees of Feldy View - first found here by Andy, and they were also at the nearby aptly named "flycatcher-corner." Daniel and Mollie Kirk thought there may've been four birds present in the area on Sunday morning. A willow warbler, reed warbler and chiffchaff were also seen in Feldy View.
Andy saw a stoat briefly at flycatcher-corner on Sunday morning.

A sand martin perched on wires beside the Firs Chase caravan park on Sunday.

Among the flock of fifty swallows beside the Firs Caravan park on Sunday was this juvenile swallow.

Some of the fifty swallows perched on wires over the path beside the Firs Chase caravan park on Sunday. A hobby was seen flying fast as it headed east, passing close to this flock of swallows. Three yellow wagtails were heard flying over.

A wheatear was feeding along the bottom of the Strood seawall on Sunday, while in the fields two whinchats and four stonechats were along the central ditch with forty linnets.
Daniel Woollard saw five corn buntings along the central ditch earlier on Sunday.

A redshank fed near the Strood seawall on Sunday, with other waders of note in the channel being 20 black-tailed godwits and seven grey plover. Two Sandwich terns were in the channel with a common tern near Packing Shed island.

A flock of at least ninety Mediterranean gulls was counted on Sunday, first on the Strood mud and then again on the nearby field as the tide came in. There were more to be confirmed as Mediterranean gulls but either they were too distant on the mud, or were asleep at an angle that made their ID difficult.
A peregrine scattered all the gulls when it headed across the channel towards the Strood causeway.
In the ploughed field a murder of 65 carrion crows was counted.
A painted lady was seen nectaring on flowers on the seawall.

On Sunday late afternoon 15 wigeon flew south over the Firs Chase garden, also fifteen sand martins with a flock of fifty swallows passed over south-west.

At East Mersea a common scoter was seen by Mollie Kirk and Daniel Woollard flying towards Stone Point before turning back out to sea again. Also two wheatears on the path to the Point.

An osprey flew slowly down the Pyefleet Channel on Saturday 6th, every so often circling high over the water before continuing down channel passing Maydays where it was pictured here. Earlier on Saturday it had been seen perched on a post on the Geedons saltings, then came for a fly-around in the Pyefleet before returning to the post on the Geedons later in the afternoon.

A whinchat, three stonechats and a wheatear were seen at Maydays on Saturday. A hobby and five kestrels hunted over Langenhoe, a greenshank, bar-tailed godwit, eight black-tailed godwits and 130 grey plover were the main waders of note in the Pyefleet. Three Cetti's warblers sang, four house martins were by the farmhouse and five Mediterranean gulls noted too.

Ten small heaths and a common blue butterfly were inside the Maydays seawall on Saturday.
Four common seals were on the saltmarsh up the Pyefleet and a brown hare was at Maydays.

At Feldy View a spotted flycatcher was found by Steve Entwistle in Feldy View on Saturday morning. Also in Feldy were six willow warblers, two chiffchaffs, eight goldfinches, ten blue tits, two long-tailed tits and five chaffinches.

At Rewsalls marsh on Friday 6th four Sandwich terns, lots of waders roosting on the side lake, also a dead guillemot washed up on the beach, were seen by Martin Cock.
At Coopers Beach on Friday afternoon, Michael Thorley reported 20 little egrets, nine common gulls, two herring gulls, a few black-backed gulls, 30 golden plover, 15 oystercatchers, 13 turnstones, five ringed plovers, female common scoter, pied wagtail and wood pigeons. In the morning a great spotted woodpecker was seen near Blue Row.

Late on Friday night a tawny owl was heard calling in Firs Chase. 

A great tit was photographed by Michael Thorley in his East Mersea garden feeding on sunflower seeds.

On Thursday along the Strood there was a big flock of 80+ Mediterranean gulls on the mud, also eight Sandwich terns hunting the channel, 15 golden plover, 50 black-tailed godwits, hobby, wheatear, four stonechats and a "murder" of 58 carrion crows feeding in a field.

At East Mersea there was a spotted redshank reported on Birdguides, that was seen at the end of Ivy Lane on Thursday afternoon.

Andy Field walked the Cudmore circuit on Wednesday 4th and found five wheatears on the East Mersea Point - pictured here by Andy.

Two of the wheatears photographed by Andy on the sign at the East Mersea Point on Wednesday. Also seen were the leucistic redshank among 200 redshank, 20 grey plover, six ringed plover, dozens of terns flying into the estuary mainly common terns with some Sandwich terns. Also eight common terns were on the mud with a Sandwich tern. Four sand martins and thirty swallows seen flying about. A brief view of a barn owl at the park early in the morning and a little owl calling from the Golfhouse.

Five common seals were reported at Langenhoe Marsh Point on Wednesday by Rob Lee.
A grey squirrel was seen at the barn owl box by Daniel Woollard early on Wednesday.

By the Dabchicks on Wednesday 30 ringed plovers, ten black-tailed godwits, two grey plovers and two turnstones were seen. 

A Feathered Gothic was in the garden moth trap in Firs Chase on 7th September.

A Brindled Green seen on 7th.

Two Dark Sword-grass on 6th.

Two Silver Y's were on the 6th.

A smart looking Gold Spot is the first record for the garden.

An Olive-tree Pearl was seen on four nights between the 2nd and the 7th and may've been the same individual.

A Dusky Thorn was seen on both 2nd and 7th September.

Tuesday 3 September 2024


Three wheatears were found by John Ward on the seawall near the East Mersea boating lake on Tuesday 3rd - one pictured here by John. Two were also seen in a field near the Bower Hall seawall sluice by Rob Lee on Tuesday, and there was also a wheatear seen along the Strood seawall on Tuesday too.

A flock of 120 black-tailed godwits was in the Strood channel near the Dabchicks sailing club on Tuesday, also in the channel were  21 ringed plovers, greenshank, 150 golden plovers, two Sandwich terns and 32 Mediterranean gulls

A curlew was feeding on the mud near the Strood seawall on Tuesday. A marsh harrier was also seen, while near the weedy field were three lesser whitethroats, two whitethroats, two stonechats and 12 linnets.

A peregrine, sparrowhawk and two swifts flew over Martin Cock's West Mersea garden on Tuesday.
Rob Lee reported a possible osprey heading east near Bower Hall on Tuesday morning.

Michael Thorley saw a chiffchaff, willow warbler, two house martins and 30 barn swallows from his East Mersea garden on Tuesday. Later at the Strood 70 black-tailed godwits and a bar-tailed godwit were noted.

On Monday 2nd along the Strood there were two Mediterranean gulls - one yawning here.

Four Sandwich terns were hunting up and down the Strood channel on Monday, also a common tern resting on a pontoon. A little stint flew along the borrowdyke calling as it continued south west, two greenshank and 70 black-tailed godwits were seen. Along the seawall were a whinchat, three stonechats, 15 linnets, two yellow wagtails, lesser whitethroat, two reed warblers, 30 carrion crows, buzzard and fifty swallows.

James Taylor walked the Strood seawall on Monday and reported a hobby, buzzard, redshank, curlew, black-tailed godwit, turnstone, sparrowhawk, kestrel, stonechat, reed warbler and whitethroat.

At Maydays on Monday a kingfisher was seen at the seawall sluice by Jack Hoy.
A swift flew over Martin Cock's house on Monday.
A badger was found dead by the side of the East Mersea road near Blue Row on Monday.

On Sunday 1st along the Strood channel there was a red kite flying slowly north-east over the fields, Sandwich tern, sparrowhawk, 100 black-tailed godwits, two stonechats and ten linnets.
Jack Hoy also saw a red kite that seemed to have come from Mersea, passing over Langenhoe ranges, also a buzzard.

A kingfisher was on its usual perch on the seawall sluice at Maydays farm on Saturday 31st.

The kingfisher remained at the sluice for over an hour watching the water flowing through the sluice for any fish.
Also seen at Maydays were three Sandwich terns, Mediterranean gull, 8 Canada geese, four teal, 30 grey plovers, one knot, two marsh harriers, three house martins and a chiffchaff. Three common seals were on the saltmarsh at the top end of the Pyefleet.

A buck muntjac deer was captured on a trail camera in Michael Thorley's East Mersea garden near Meeting Lane on Saturday. This male showing antlers in velvet.

A different buck muntjac deer seen on Michael's trail camera with its bare antlers. 

On Friday 30th a spotted redshank was found roosting with other waders next to the East Mersea boating lake on Friday 30th. This has become a rare bird on Mersea in recent years - and this is the first time one has been seen on the Rewsalls marshes area.

Other birds seen on the side lake were 230 redshank, 120 turnstones, 21 ringed plovers, 3 common sandpipers, whimbrel, 24 Mediterranean gulls, 8 little grebes, 20 little egrets and two grey herons. Also seen in the area were marsh harrier and four buzzards soaring high, two kestrels, 20 swallows, four house martins, two yellow wagtails, lesser whitethroat, whitethroat and willow warbler.

Earlier on Friday morning a kingfisher was seen by Sarah Thorley at the Rewsalls sluice near the boating lake.
Martin Cock walked the Golfhouse to East Mersea Stone on Friday and reported a Sandwich tern and two common terns, blackcap, willow warbler, Cetti's warbler and three lesser whitethroats.

Sunday 1 September 2024



Moth trapping took place in the Firs Chase garden during August on nine nights. Generally there have been fewer moths around this year than previous years with very few migrants recorded. There's been a reasonable number of species but for many species just one or two individuals were usually noted.
Pictured is a rather worn Old Lady moth seen on 28th.

Centre-barred Sallow - first one on the 28th.

Second generation of Light Emeralds appeared during the last week of August with up to ten on several nights.

The coastal species Sandhill Rustic was seen on 21st.

One Cream-bordered Green Pea was seen on the 16th.

A Sallow Kitten was seen on the 11th.

A few Gypsy Moths were seen during August with four on the 5th being the highest count.

An Oak Processionary was noted on the 5th.

Tree-lichen Beauties seemed to be a bit later this summer with the first ones not seen until 30th July, then peaking at 15 on 5th August.

A Swallow Prominent noted on 11th August.

A Tawny-barred Angle was seen on 30th July.

Always nice to see the dainty Olive-tree Pearl, this one on 27th July.

Two Ruby Tigers on 27th July.

Only one Black Arches was seen in the garden this summer - on 26th July.