Sunday 1 September 2024



Moth trapping took place in the Firs Chase garden during August on nine nights. Generally there have been fewer moths around this year than previous years with very few migrants recorded. There's been a reasonable number of species but for many species just one or two individuals were usually noted.
Pictured is a rather worn Old Lady moth seen on 28th.

Centre-barred Sallow - first one on the 28th.

Second generation of Light Emeralds appeared during the last week of August with up to ten on several nights.

The coastal species Sandhill Rustic was seen on 21st.

One Cream-bordered Green Pea was seen on the 16th.

A Sallow Kitten was seen on the 11th.

A few Gypsy Moths were seen during August with four on the 5th being the highest count.

An Oak Processionary was noted on the 5th.

Tree-lichen Beauties seemed to be a bit later this summer with the first ones not seen until 30th July, then peaking at 15 on 5th August.

A Swallow Prominent noted on 11th August.

A Tawny-barred Angle was seen on 30th July.

Always nice to see the dainty Olive-tree Pearl, this one on 27th July.

Two Ruby Tigers on 27th July.

Only one Black Arches was seen in the garden this summer - on 26th July.

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