All sorts of typical sounds came from the mud with the whistling curlews, the piping oystercatchers, the mournful grey plovers all getting restless to fly to their roosts with redshank, dunlin and turnstones. A group of 45 bar-tailed godwits picked and probed the mud with their long straight bills. Their pale plumage matched the grey brown surroundings except for one stunning bird in bright russet summer plumage. Recent mild weather must have confused its body clock.
Out at sea there were two pairs of slavonian grebes which for once outnumbered any great crested grebes on show. The slavonians were probably 2-300 metres offshore and both pairs were diving regularly with the incoming tide.
At the Youth Camp 25 moorhens fed on the waterlogged field, 10 blackbirds perched in the trees as did the great spotted woodpecker and the sound of one or two goldfinches jollied up the area. No sign of the regular little owl and no small birds around a wild bird crop although a pair of stock doves sat on some wires overhead.
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