Friday 27 March 2020


After a quiet start to the year for red squirrel visits to the Firs Chase garden with hardly any sightings for about six weeks, there are now daily appearances with this female the most regular visitor.

She came down the tree trunk to have a drink of water before having a few nuts from the feeder, pausing for a moment while the postman pulled his van up nearby.

The female red squirrel has been tucking into hazelnuts, peanuts and sunflower seeds.

This one scuttled along the back garden fence pausing for a moment while it wondered what to do next.

The red squirrel has also paid a visit to the bird feeders in the back garden, tucking into black sunflowers seeds.

The red squirrel ran up the cedar tree and was found peering out from the squirrel nestbox high up on Wednesday 25th. As I watched from the road, the squirrel emerged and was soon engaged in a frantic chase around the tree trunk with a second red squirrel. They both crossed high over the road above my head, scrambling through the trees. One of the squirrels then came back high over the road and returned to the feeder.

At East Mersea a red squirrel was seen foraging through the pots on the patio beside the Potifar's house in Shop Lane on Tuesday 24th.

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