Friday 26 July 2024


There has been a nice selection of moths visiting the Firs Chase garden moth trap during the first three weeks of July. The Robinson trap has operated on ten nights with moth catches generally lower than previous years. Nothing rare to report but these ones pictured here are the main highlights and always great to record for the garden.
Pictured is a Magpie Moth on 20th July.

Rosy Footman on 19th - usually just a single noted each year.

Canary-shouldered Thorn on 20th.

Lackey on 19th.

Leopard Moth on 18th.

Pine Hawkmoth on 18th - only one seen this year.

Plumed Fan-foot - on several dates 14th - 20th.

Oak Eggar on 17th.

Scarce Silver Lines on 14th and 18th

Marbled Grass Moth on 13th- first garden record

Festoon on 13th - only one seen this summer.

Dun-bar - several seen during early July.

Silver Y - several noted in early July.

White Satin on the 9th.

Delicate on 3rd.

Swallow-tailed Moth - several noted.

Sycamore on 3rd.

Clancy's Rustic on 1st July.

Poplar Grey - a few noted.

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